Automated Hedging Software

You’ve taken Bubba’s “Hedging Your Portfolio” course and are ready to start hedging! No matter how perfect your plan is, it is still subject to the human element of emotion. Our Hedging Software will implement the teachings from the Hedging course and remove the emotions that can come into play when trading.

“Is it still going up?” and “if I wait 5 minutes it might get cheaper” are statements of fear that can cost you money.

Once you setup your portfolio in our web-based software, all you have to do is wait for the emails/texts telling you what to do. No more emotions, just actions.

Our “Trade Alerts” also have direct trading links to our preferred online brokerage partner for 1-click trades where you can complete a trade in as little as 5 seconds.

 Gold Membership

  • Unlimited portfolios*
  • $1 to $10, configurable
  • $1 to $10, configurable
  • 2% to 7%, configurable
  • Configurable
  • 6 updates, configurable
  • 13 user configurable options

* portfolios must be created for account holder only. Not for friends or clients.

**This special is ONLY available to current members who have already taken Bubba’s Hedging Your Portfolio Courses.