Saturday Trades Thursday Update 8/22/2024

Nothing has changed – Markets Dead

Saturday Call registration, pregame starts at 9:00 EST
Password: 888848

Nothing has changed – Markets Dead and there doesn’t appear to be a reason for that to change. There is some news the next couple of days but may not be enough to move markets.

We must be patient complete our rolls and look for opportunity.

Roll SPY, QQQ , and IWM to Friday. If you made any of the adjustments below, roll accordingly

On the open calendars, you have 3 choices.
1. Do nothing and continue daily rolls
2. Roll up both the long and short calls to around the money
3. Roll up the September call creating a short position



Futures Ratio Spread

Sell 6 MES Futures – 5578
Buy to open 5 ATM Calls August 23rd 555 Calls

Sell 6 MNQ Futures – 19605
Buy to open 5 ATM Calls August 16th 475 Calls


Exercise and Assignment

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New Trades 






(Some of the call strikes could be different from what you are holding. I’m reflecting the rolls made on the open, some of you rolled again. This is a guide)

SPY – (15.27) (300.00 Credit Collected)
Short 1 August 19th 537 Call
Short 1 August 19th 523 Put
Long 1 September 20th 539 Call
Long 1 September 20th 521 Put

IWM – (17.19) (200.00 Credit Collected)
Short 1 August 19th 209 Call
Short 1 August 19th 201 Put
Long 2 September 20th 211 Call
Long 2 September 20th 199 Put

QQQ – (19.51) (300.00 Credit Collected)
Short 1 August 19th 455 Call
Short 1 August 19th 439 Put
Long 1 September 20th 455 Call
Long 1 September 20th 439 Put

SLV – (5.22) (250.00 Credit Collected)
Short 1 August 16th 28 Call
Short 1 August 16th 28 Put
Long 2 November 15th 29 Call
Long 1 November 15th 27 Put
Long 1 November 15th 25 Put