Saturday Trades Thursday Update 1/25/2024


Despite Wednesday’s late weakness, markets still working higher

Saturday Call registration, pregame starts at 9:00 EST
Password: 013671

Price action is still MIA and the markets continue to grind higher. Wednesday saw some late day selling but still higher on the day, they are higher again this morning.

There is no time limit on how long this lousy action will continue. Expect the markets to drift higher until something changes. Dull markets drift higher and they can’t be much duller than they are now.

I show no fills on the new trades, you can work them again today. We will not chase these trades

Roll SPY, QQQ to Friday

There were a couple of rolls on the extra options Monday and the GOOGL roll filled for over 3.00, ROKU filled on Tuesday for over 2.00

Move rolls to midpoint



FSLR – Buy to close 1 January 26th 177.5/167.5 Strangle/ Sell to open 1 February 2nd 177.5/167.5 Strangle Credit 3.00

GOOGL – Buy to close 1 January 26th 144/136 Strangle/ Sell to open 1 February 2nd 144/136 Strangle Credit 1.75 FILLED 3.40

ROKU – Buy to close 1 January 26th 94/91 Strangle/ Sell to open 1 February 2nd 94/91 Strangle Credit 1.75 FILLED AT 2.10

BA – Buy to close 1 January 26th 255/235 Strangle/ Sell to open 1 February 2nd 255/235 Strangle Credit 1.75

COIN – Buy to close 1 January 26th 167.5/140 Strangle/ Sell to open 1 February 2nd 167.5/140 Strangle Credit 4.00

AAPL – Buy to close 1 January 26th 187.5/182.5 Strangle/ Sell to open 1 February 2nd 187.5/182.5 Strangle Credit 3.00

Exercise and Assignment

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New Trades




(Some of the call strikes could be different from what you are holding. I’m reflecting the rolls made on the open, some of you rolled again. This is a guide)

QQQ – (20.36) (900.00 Credit Collected)
Short 1 January 24th 413 Call
Short 1 January 24th 407 Put
Long 1 February 16th 415 Call
Long 1 February 16th 420 Call
Long 2 February 16th 405 Put

AAPL – (10.15) (720.00 Credit Collected)
Short 1 January 26th 187.5 Call
Short 1 January 26th 182.5 Put
Long 1 February 16th 190 Call
Long 1 February 16th 197.5 Call
Long 2 February 16th 180 Put

IWM – (9.83) (400.00.00 Credit Collected)
Short 1 January 26th 196 Call
Short 1 January 26th 190 Put
Long 2 February 16th 198 Call
Long 2 February 16th 188 Put

BA – (21.00) (2810.00 Credit Collected)
Short 1 January 26th 255 Call
Short 1 January 26th 235 Put
Long 2 February 16th 255 Call
Long 1 February 16th 235 Put
Long 1 February 16th 200 Put

SPY – (20.78) (1450.00 Credit Collected)
Short 1 January 24th 471 Call
Short 1 January 24th 463 Put
Long 1 February 16th 473 Call
Long 1 February 16th 484 Call
Long 2 February 16th 461 Put

COIN – (15.28) (800.00 Credit Collected)
Short 1 January 26th 167.5 Call
Short 1 January 26th 140 Put
Long 1 February 16th 170 Call
Long 1 February 16th 140 Put

ROKU – (26.52) (1210.00 Credit Collected)
Short 1 February 2nd 94 Call
Short 1 February 2nd 91 Put
Long 2 February 16th 95 Call
Long 1 February 16th 90 Put
Long 1 February 16th 80 Put

GOOGL – (13.84) (1090.00 Credit Collected)
Short 1 February 2nd 144 Call
Short 1 February 2nd 136 Put
Long 1 February 16th 145 Call
Long 1 February 16th 150 Call
Long 2 February 16th 135 Put

FSLR – (12.34) (800.00 Credit Collected)
Short 1 January 26th 177.5 Call
Short 1 January 26th 167.5 Put
Long 1 February 16th 180 Call
Long 1 February 16th 165 Put