Saturday Trades Monday Update 7/24/2023

Markets Look Ready to Break Higher

Markets look ready to break higher once again. Last week support held and we are seeing buying come in. There is a FED meeting this week plus a number of earnings reports.

Bottom line, the path of least resistance is higher. There is no volatility and no reason to believe the rally is over.

There will be a number of unofficial new trades later. New Trades good as written.

Roll SPY, QQQ to Tuesday and IWM to Wednesday.

RIVN – Buy to close 1 July 28th 26.5/21.5 Strangle/Sell to Open 1 August 4th 26.5/21.5 Strangle Credit .60

ROKU – Buy to close 1 July 28th 78/71 Strangle/Sell to Open 1 August 4th 78/71 Strangle Credit 2.50

GS – Buy to close 1 July 28th 335/315 Strangle/Sell to Open 1 August 4th 335/315 Strangle Credit 2.80

AMZN – Buy to close 1 July 28th 134/126 Strangle/Sell to Open 1 August 4th 134/126 Strangle Credit 5.20

AAPL – Buy to close 1 July 28th 190/182.5 Strangle/Sell to Open 1 August 4th 190/182.5 Strangle Credit 3.52

GOOGL – Buy to close 1 July 28th 124/117 Strangle/Sell to Open 1 August 4th 124/117 Strangle Credit 2.00

ZM – Buy to close 1 July 28th 70/65 Strangle/Sell to Open 1 August 4th 70/65 Strangle Credit 1.28

2023-07-22 Pregame

2023-07-22 Saturday Call Recording

Exercise and Assignment

Chat Room Link 

New Trades




(Some of the call strikes could be different from what you are holding. I’m reflecting the rolls made on the open, some of you rolled again. This is a guide)

RIVN – (4.21) (80.00 Credit Collected)
Short 1 July 28th 26.5 Call
Short 1 July 28th 21.5 Put
Long 2 August 18th 27.5 Call
Long 2 August 18th 20 Put

ROKU – (15.26) (555.00 Credit Collected)
Short 1 July 28th 78 Call
Short 1 July 28th 71 Put
Long 2 August 18th 80 Call
Long 2 August 18th 70 Put

GS – (16.91) (1680.00 Credit Collected)
Short 1 July 28th 335 Call
Short 1 July 28th 315 Put
Long 1 August 18th 335 Call
Long 1 August 18th 355 Call
Long 2 August 18th 315 Put

QQQ – (26.06) (1470.00 Credit Collected)
Short 1 July 24th 370 Call
Short 1 July 24th 362 Put
Long 1 August 18th 372 Call
Long 1 August 18th 383 Call
Long 2 August 18th 360 Put

SPY – (19.98) (1080.00 Credit Collected)
Short 1 July 24th 442 Call
Short 1 July 24th 434 Put
Long 1 August 18th 444 Call
Long 1 August 18th 452 Call
Long 2 August 18th 432 Put

IWM – (9.34) (560.00 Credit Collected)
Short 1 July 24th 188 Call
Short 1 July 24th 182 Put
Long 1 August 18th 190 Call
Long 1 August 18th 194 Call
Long 2 August 18th 180 Put

GOOGL – (10.33) (810.00 Credit Collected)
Short 1 July 28th 124 Call
Short 1 July 28th 117 Put
Long 1 August 18th 125 Call
Long 1 August 18th 127 Call
Long 1 August 18th 117 Put
Long 1 August 18th 115 Put

AMZN – (15.19) (461.00 Credit Collected)
Short 1 July 28th 134 Call
Short 1 July 28th 126 Put
Long 2 August 18th 135 Call
Long 2 August 18th 125 Put

ZM – (11.99) (454.00 Credit Collected)
Short 1 July 28th 70 Call
Short 1 July 28th 65 Put
Long 1 August 18th 70 Call
Long 1 August 18th 65 Put

AAPL – (11.99) (557.00 Credit Collected)
Short 1 July 28th 190 Call
Short 1 July 28th 182.5 Put
Long 2 August 18th 195 Call
Long 2 August 18th 180 Put