When markets opened Sunday night/Monday morning, it had all the appearances as a repeat of Thursday’s action. Equities were getting hammered and once again recovered, similar action in many other markets.

After peaking at about 8:45 am EST, Gold and Silver headed south with volume and by Noon EST it looked like another failure was underway. However, when the volume spiked and metals bottomed at noon suddenly a reversal was underway. Gold and Silver did not close at their daily highs, however the reversal and price action were impressive.

As we start to put the bigger picture together, the action in Gold and Silver is bullish with the uptrend. The close above 1900 Gold and 24 Silver is a strong sign that the rally has just begun. This morning as of 5:00 EST metals are rallying, just another positive sign. We remain long both Gold and Silver.

Precious metals should be owned on a physical basis with capital that is not needed tomorrow or anytime soon. Trading should be done with paper knowing that we can trade either side without emotions.

In all markets price action determines what will happen in the next day, week, or months. Keep the two strategies separate, the worst trade anyone can make is turning a trade into an investment hoping for a way out. Traders must learn to take their losses and move on to the next trade.

Patience, discipline, and money management always win the day. Let the map of the markets show you the way.

Todd Horwitz Chief Strategist BubbaTrading.com
Stop being a prophet and make profits

Join us for our Monday Night Strategy Call which begins at 4:30 EST February 28th:

2022-02-28 Monday Night Strategy Call Registration