Bubba’s Equity Portfolios Wednesday Update New Trades 9/13/2023

**New trade alert** We will use Friday September 22nd Expiration

We are going to wait on reversing ORCL, if you want to reverse feel free. This trade will not be automatically reversed.

Our open long is at max risk. ORCL is way oversold and we will not chase it down. This is consistent with the webinar we did last week. Officially we are holding the long position with no risk.

Reverse ORCL to short (1A) (this is the signal, we will wait)

Here is the formula we use

For a Long Position
Buy the at the money Call
Sell a Put Spread starting with the at the money Put and using the recommended
distance for the Put Spread

For a short Position
Buy the at the money Put
Sell a Call Spread starting with the at the money Call and using the recommended distance for the Call Spread

ATM = At the Money
Long Put = Short Call Spread
Long Call = Short Put Spread

Remember the Groups are only updated once a week, although we have new trades during the week, changes to the Portfolios are only reflected on Saturday. 

New Portfolios Portfolios 9/9/2023

1A – 25K

2A – 18K

3A – 8K