Bubba’s Equity Portfolios Tuesday Update New Trades 1/7/2025
The Positions in the Spread is really for those Trading Manually. Those using the software ignore the spreadsheet
Stay disciplined and follow the rules
Follow the rules and benefit from the algorithm
**New Trades: We will use Friday January 17th Expiration
These all go from short to flat
AAPL (1A/2A)
AMZN (1A/2A)
MSFT (1A/2A)
QQQ (1A)
Here is the formula we use
For a Long Position
Buy the at the money Call
Sell a Put Spread starting with the at the money Put and using the recommended
distance for the Put Spread
For a short Position
Buy the at the money Put
Sell a Call Spread starting with the at the money Call and using the recommended distance for the Call Spread
ATM = At the Money
Long Put = Short Call Spread
Long Call = Short Put Spread
Remember the Groups are only updated once a week, although we have new trades during the week, changes to the Portfolios are only reflected on Saturday.
New Portfolios 1/4/2025
1A – 25K
2A – 18K
3A – 8K