Bubba’s Equity Portfolios Weekly Update New Trades 12/14/2024

The cash S&P 500 was down 39.44 for the week. This may be the beginning of a trend change- but we must wait for confirmation.

One of the Model Portfolios made money this week.

*New Trade Alert*

Sell AAPL to go flat
Sell Microsoft to be short from flat (1A)

1A -1164
2A -115
3A +259

Here is the formula we use

For a Long Position
Buy the at the money Call
Sell a Put Spread starting with the at the money Put and using the recommended
distance for the Put Spread

For a short Position
Buy the at the money Put
Sell a Call Spread starting with the at the money Call and using the recommended distance for the Call Spread

ATM = At the Money
Long Put = Short Call Spread
Long Call = Short Put Spread

Remember the Groups are only updated once a week, although we have new trades during the week, changes to the Portfolios are only reflected on Saturday. 

New Portfolios 12/14/2024

1A – 25K

2A – 18K

3A – 8K