Saturday Trades Wednesday Update 8/21/2024

Summertime Blues – Markets Dead

Markets are dead as we are in the slowest 2 weeks of the year.
We are in good shape with our positions and can handle movement either way. Our preference would be a medium sell off to help our rolls.

Roll SPY, QQQ , and IWM to Thursday. If you made any of the adjustments below, roll accordingly

On the open calendars, you have 3 choices.
1. Do nothing and continue daily rolls
2. Roll up both the long and short calls to around the money
3. Roll up the September call creating a short position



Futures Ratio Spread

Sell 6 MES Futures – 5578
Buy to open 5 ATM Calls August 23rd 555 Calls

Sell 6 MNQ Futures – 19605
Buy to open 5 ATM Calls August 16th 475 Calls


Exercise and Assignment

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New Trades 






(Some of the call strikes could be different from what you are holding. I’m reflecting the rolls made on the open, some of you rolled again. This is a guide)

SPY – (15.27) (300.00 Credit Collected)
Short 1 August 19th 537 Call
Short 1 August 19th 523 Put
Long 1 September 20th 539 Call
Long 1 September 20th 521 Put

IWM – (17.19) (200.00 Credit Collected)
Short 1 August 19th 209 Call
Short 1 August 19th 201 Put
Long 2 September 20th 211 Call
Long 2 September 20th 199 Put

QQQ – (19.51) (300.00 Credit Collected)
Short 1 August 19th 455 Call
Short 1 August 19th 439 Put
Long 1 September 20th 455 Call
Long 1 September 20th 439 Put

SLV – (5.22) (250.00 Credit Collected)
Short 1 August 16th 28 Call
Short 1 August 16th 28 Put
Long 2 November 15th 29 Call
Long 1 November 15th 27 Put
Long 1 November 15th 25 Put