Futures Portfolios Weekly Update 12/9/2023
Futures Symbol Guide
The Model Portfolios were mixed on the week. Some markets are in consolidation while others may be in the early stages of trend reversals. Others continue to trend strongly like stock indexes.
The metrics for all of the Model Portfolio are staggering as we have eleven (11) markets in mega-trade status. Large profits have been had and we think there is more to come.
*New trade alert*
Sell long December Euro Currency/Sell March (reversal-roll)
Sell long February Gold/Sell Feb (reversal-roll)
The following long December contracts are being rolled to March contracts:
Australian Dollar
British Pound
Canadian Dollar
Japanese Yen
Swiss Franc
DJIA e-mini
NASDAQ 100 e-mini
S&P 500 e-mini
We are all trend followers if we are profitable traders and this is because the trend is the basis of all profit. Even if we are in a trade for two minutes and make a profit, during those two minutes, the trend (price movement) was in our favor and the short-term trend made the profit on the trade possible.