Saturday Trades Wednesday Update 12/27/2023

No surprise another rally

Tuesday saw another rally which is no surprise. We have been watching this since early November. There is no reason to expect this to stop until after the new year.

Remember markets can run in either direction farther than we think. We could see a small sell off before the end of the year but don’t expect a reversal.

Roll QQQ to Wednesday and IWM to Thursday. 


GS – Buy to close 1 December 29th 355/345 Strangle/ Sell to open 1 January 5th 355/345 Strangle Credit 1.00

JPM – Buy to close 1 December 29th 160/155 Strangle/ Sell to open 1 January 5th 160/155 Strangle Credit 1.00

CHWY – Buy to close 1 December 29th 18 Straddle/ Sell to open 1 January 5th 18 Straddle Credit .50

TSLA – Buy to close 1 December 29th 255/225 Strangle/ Sell to open 1 January 5th 255/225 Strangle Credit 3.00

MU – Buy to close 1 December 29th 76 Straddle/ Sell to open 1 January 5th 76 Straddle Credit .50

NVDA – Buy to close 1 December 29th 500/450 Strangle/ Sell to open 1 January 5th 500/450 Strangle Credit 4.50

AAPL – Buy to close 1 December 29th 192.5/187.5 Strangle/ Sell to open 1 January 5th 192.5/187.5 Strangle Credit 1.50

AMZN – Buy to close 1 December 29th 149/145 Strangle/ Sell to open 1 January 5th 149/145 Strangle Credit 1.50

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(Some of the call strikes could be different from what you are holding. I’m reflecting the rolls made on the open, some of you rolled again. This is a guide)

QQQ – (17.36) (200.00 Credit Collected)
Short 1 December 26th 411 Call
Short 1 December 26th 405 Put
Long 2 January 19th 413 Call
Long 2 January 19th 403 Put

IWM – (8.75) (200.00 Credit Collected)
Short 1 December 26th 200 Call
Short 1 December 26th 194 Put
Long 2 January 19th 202 Call
Long 2 January 19th 192 Put

GS – (12.04) (115.00 Credit Collected)
Short 1 December 29th 355 Call
Short 1 December 29th345 Put
Long 1 January 19th 355 Call
Long 1 January 19th 345 Put

JPM – (4.50) (100.00 Credit Collected)
Short 1 December 29th 160 Call
Short 1 December 29th 155 Put
Long 1 January 19th 160 Call
Long 1 January 19th 155 Put

TSLA – (15.70) (980.00 Credit Collected)
Short 1 December 29th 255 Call
Short 1 December 29th 225 Put
Long 1 January 19th 255 Call
Long 1 January 19th 225 Put

CHWY – (5.41) (510.00 Credit Collected)
Short 1 December 29th 18 Call
Short 1 December 29th 18 Put
Long 1 January 19th 17.5 Call
Long 1 January 19th 24 Call
Long 2 January 19th 17.5 Put

MU – (9.57) (600.00 Credit Collected)
Short 1 December 29th 76 Call
Short 1 December 29th 76 Put
Long 1 January 19th 77.5 Call
Long 1 January 19th 82.5 Call
Long 2 January 19th 75 Put

AMZN – (15.27) (7.85 Credit Collected)
Short 1 December 29th 149 Call
Short 1 December 29th145 Put
Long 1 January 19th 150 Call
Long 1 January 19th 155 Call
Long 2 January 19th 145 Put

NVDA – (10.14) (1876.00 Credit Collected)
Short 1 December 29th 500 Call
Short 1 December 29th 450 Put
Long 1 January 19th 510 Call
Long 1 January 19th 440 Put

AAPL – (10.14) (850.00 Credit Collected)
Short 1 December 29th 192.5 Call
Short 1 December 29th 187.5 Put
Long 1 January 19th 195 Call
Long 1 January 19th 200 Call
Long 2 January 19th 185 Put