Saturday Trades Friday Update 9/29/2023

Markets higher, end of month and quarter

Saturday Call registration, pregame starts at 9:00 EST Password: 702744

The rally continues today after yesterdays dead cat bounce. There is always a lean towards the upside on the last day of the quarter.

They call it window dressing to make the fund managers look good. What it looks like to us is an opportunity to sell later or next week.

Nothing has changed, the economy is in trouble along with the middle class.

The rally helps the rolls not completed yet, make sure to get them done today.

2023-09-23 Pregame

2023-09-23 Saturday Call Recording

Here are the extra options I closed and put in the chat room

Sold Extra ORCL PUT at 6.50
Sold Extra ROKU PUT at 6.50
Sold Extra SPY PUT at 8.50

Roll SPY, QQQ to Friday

CANCEL NEW TRADES – I know there was a fill on LVS, roll the short options to October 6th

JPM – Buy to close 1 September 29th 150/145 Strangle/Sell to Open 1 October 6th 150/145 Strangle Credit 1.70

GS – Buy to close 1 September 29th 347.5/337.5 Strangle/Sell to Open 1 October 6th 347.5/337.5 Strangle Credit 3.10

ROKU – Buy to close 1 September 29th 88/82 Strangle/Sell to Open 1 October 6th 88/82 Strangle Credit 1.25

ORCL – Buy to close 1 September 29th 122/118 Strangle/Sell to Open 1 October 6th 122/118 Strangle Credit 1.00

TWLO – Buy to close 1 September 29th 68/62 Strangle/Sell to Open 1 October 6th 68/62 Strangle Credit 1.00

GOOGL – Buy to close 1 September 29th 138/132 Strangle/Sell to Open 1 October 6th 138/132 Strangle Credit 1.50

AAPL – Buy to close 1 September 29th 180/175 Strangle/Sell to Open 1 October 6th 180/175 Strangle Credit 1.60

MU – Buy to close 1 September 29th 70/66 Strangle/Sell to Open 1 October 6th 70/66 Strangle Credit 1.00

COIN – Buy to close 1 September 29th 80/76 Strangle/Sell to Open 1 October 6th 80/76 Strangle Credit 2.00

Exercise and Assignment

Chat Room Link 

New Trades






(Some of the call strikes could be different from what you are holding. I’m reflecting the rolls made on the open, some of you rolled again. This is a guide)

MU – (5.50) (240.00 Credit Collected)
Short 1 September 29th 70 Call
Short 1 September 29th 66 Put
Long 2 October 20th 71 Call
Long 2 October 20th 65 Put

COIN – (12.44) (436.00 Credit Collected)
Short 1 October 6th 80 Call
Short 1 October 6th 76 Put
Long 2 October 20th 82 Call
Long 2 October 20th 74 Put

JPM – (9.66) (145.00 Credit Collected)
Short 1 September 29th 150 Call
Short 1 September 29th 145 Put
Long 2 October 20th 150 Call
Long 2 October 20th 145 Put

GS – (21.81) (560.00 Credit Collected)
Short 1 September 29th 347.5 Call
Short 1 September 29th 337.5 Put
Long 2 October 20th 350 Call
Long 1 October 20th 335 Put
Long 1 October 20th 330 Put

QQQ – (21.44) (1104.00 Credit Collected)
Short 1 September 25th 378 Call
Short 1 September 25th 368 Put
Long 2 October 20th 380 Call
Long 1 October 20th 366 Put
Long 1 October 20th 358 Put

SPY – (16.86) (1805.00 Credit Collected)
Short 1 September 22nd 450 Call
Short 1 September 22nd 440 Put
Long 2 October 20th 452 Call
Long 1 October 20th 438 Put

ROKU – (11.50) (1405.00 Credit Collected)
Short 1 September 29th 88 Call
Short 1 September 29th 82 Put
Long 2 October 20th 90 Call
Long 1 October 20th 80 Put

ORCL – (11.73) (1450.00 Credit Collected)
Short 1 September 29th 122 Call
Short 1 September 29th 118 Put
Long 2 October 20th 125 Call
Long 1 October 20th 115 Put

TWLO – (6.96) (370.00 Credit Collected)
Short 1 September 29th 68 Call
Short 1 September 29th 62 Put
Long 2 October 20th 70 Call
Long 1 October 20th 60 Put
Long 1 October 20th 58 Put

GOOGL – (9.98) (437.00 Credit Collected)
Short 1 September 29th 138 Call
Short 1 September 29th 132 Put
Long 2 October 20th 140 Call
Long 2 October 20th 130 Put

AAPL – (7.83) (935.00 Credit Collected)
Short 1 October 6th 180 Call
Short 1 October 6th 175 Put
Long 1 October 20th 180 Call
Long 1 October 20th 175 Put